Bagpipe Drone Shaving Brush?

OK, now here’s something completely different…

For those old-school shaving pipers, here’s my custom bagpipe drone shaving brush my BEAUTIFUL and GENEROUS wife commissioned for me as a B-day gift. She didn’t know what style to get me and I just happened to receive my WWI Hendersons back from restoration around that time and, the rest is history: Macassar ebony with art ivory and a 26mm silvertip Badger knot. The art ivory’s got a nice grain that’s not visible in the images. It’s a big girl at around 5.5″. Almost don’t want to use the brush!

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DLs Drone Shaving Brush -

Here’s the brush with my favourite shaving mug and my heavy duty 1959 Gillette Fat Boy double-blade shaver.

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And if you’re interested in getting one yourself, check out Brad Sears Shaveworks.

Drone Shaving Brush

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